Habitat on the Hill 2025
February 11-13, those colorful, iconic Habitat scarves once again blanketed our nation’s capital, as over 450 housing advocates gathered in Washington, DC for Habitat on the Hill 2025: Voices in Action. Delegates from 44 states participated in over 300 congressional meetings, advocating for funding for key federal housing programs and rallying support for Habitat’s Homeownership Supply Accelerator.
The Illinois team – from Chicago, DuPage & Chicago South Suburbs, Lake-McHenry, LaSalle Bureau Putnam, Rockford, Chicagoland, and the University of Illinois Student Chapter – met with the offices of Senator Tammy Duckworth and several Representatives, including Nikki Budzinski, Sean Casten, Jonathan Jackson, Darin LaHood, Mike Quigley, Delia Ramirez, and Lauren Underwood. We shared the critical importance of the HOME, SHOP, and USDA 502 Direct Loan programs in enabling Habitat affiliates to address the housing needs of their constituents.
We encourage all affiliates to engage regularly with your elected officials, sharing your successes and highlighting the need for a strong federal partnership to solve the nation’s affordable homeownership crisis. For advocacy and messaging support, please contact Dru Bergman (dru.bergman@chicagolandhabitat.org) or Amanda Zahorak (azahorak@gohabitat.org), and be sure to check out the advocacy resources on MyHabitat.